Fraudulently altering minutes of Council meetings

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At a Guildford Borough Council Taxi Advisory Group (TAG) meeting in 2010, the use of small rear loading vehicles as taxis was mentioned.

At the next meeting it was said by the Chairman Sheridan Westlake that the previous meeting had decided to allow the licensing of the said vehicle type.

The minutes of the first meeting were requested,

Hi Bob and Councillor Westlake

On reflection, I will widen my request to include a copy of the minutes for the last two TAG meetings, Councillor Westlake's action points, and both your handwritten notes from the last two TAG meetings.[1]

The Licensing Manager for Guildford Borough Council, Bob Mattock, provided a Word file that contained a fraudulent record. His file was (unbeknown to him) date stamped by the software, after the date on which he said he destroyed his handwritten notes.

Councillor Westlake refused to provide his minutes, claiming that he was not on Council business at the meeting which was held under Council auspices and at their premises.

After a FOIA request, Westlake