The Private prosecution
APPLICATION FOR SUMMONS OR WARRANT FOR ARRESTFOR ALLEGED OFFENCE(Criminal Procedure Rules, rule 7.2(6); section 1, Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980) | |
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(1) Consent to prosecute
Do you need consent to prosecute? Yes No
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(2) Previous application(s)
Have you applied before for the issue of a summons or warrant in respect of any of the allegations you are making? Yes No
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(3) Other proceedings
Has any other prosecutor ever brought a criminal case against the proposed defendant in respect of any of the allegations you are making? Yes No | |
(4) Details of the alleged offence(s)
CrimPR 7.3 requires that an allegation of an offence in an application for the issue of a summons or warrant must contain (a) a statement of the offence that (i) describes the offence in ordinary language,
Conspiracy to Commit Misconduct in Public Office
(ii) identifies any legislation that creates it;
The accused failed to make any proper investigation upon being notified by email on 10th May 2024 of the correlation between the administration of Midazolam and excess deaths in the UK. The excess deaths coinciding with the administration of Midazolam varied between 20,000 and 30,000 deaths for several months in 2020. | |
(5) Summary of the circumstances
The mass murder was of defenceless aged and infirm and vulnerable people, isolated in care homes and hospitals, drugged and suffocated and tortured to death by means of excess administration of Midazolam.
Published statistical evidence Published expert evidence Published evidence to official enquiries Published videos by expert News reports Official documents describing the administration of Midazolam and the incentive process for administering it and the likely consequences Evidence from the United States where Midazolam has been administered as part of a means of execution | |
(6) Application for warrant | |
(7) Declaration. See Criminal Procedure Rules r.7.2(6), (7). You may be asked to make this declaration on oath.
To the best of my knowledge, information and belief: (a) the allegations contained in this application are substantially true, (b) the evidence on which I rely will be available at the trial, (c) the details that I have given in boxes (2) and (3) are true, and (d) this application discloses all the information that is material to what the court must decide. | |
8th November 2024 | |
Decision – this record must be kept by the court
I considered this application today [at] [without] a hearing. [The applicant confirmed on oath or affirmation the declaration in box (7).] [The applicant gave me additional information [the essence of which was:]][1]
[The proposed defendant gave me additional information [the essence of which was:]][2]
On the basis of the information contained in this application [as supplemented by the additional information described above]: (a) I [am] [am not] satisfied that the requirements for the issue of a summons are met [(b) I [am] [am not] satisfied that the additional requirements for the issue of a warrant are met][3] and I [issue] [refuse to issue] a [summons] [warrant] accordingly.
Signed: ………………………………………..…………………………………………………………...… Name: ………………………………………..…………..…..… [Justice of the Peace] [District Judge (Magistrates’ Court)] [Justices’ Clerk / assistant clerk] Date: …………………………. |
[1] Include a brief summary of any information unless it is recorded elsewhere.
[2] Include a brief summary of any information unless it is recorded elsewhere.
[3] Complete only if the application includes an application for the issue of a warrant.